Clinical psychologist
Counseling, diagnosis, psychotherapy.
Adults, couples, children and adolescents.
Rue Simonon 32 – 7011 Mons (Ghlin)
065 33 65 68 –

Educational and clinical psychologist
- Member of Belgian Federation of Psychologists.
- SPF Visa 272805 – INAMI 7-00787-38-000
- Direct phone contact: every day 8-9 a.m.
- Consultations on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00-21:00.
- Client Area and distance consultations.
The ECOpsy© psychotherapy is based on the optimization of the natural processes of regulation of the behavior. By means of setting up a different psychological balance, it allows to solve present problems while insuring the continuity of personal growth.
- Understand the downside of some psychological mechanisms and how they can turn into traps;
- Learn to make a better use of your psychological resources and increase self-control and resilience.
- Eliminate unadapted behaviors by resolving the consequences of previous traumatic events.
- Cope more efficiently with the constraints of your physical and human environment and take full advantage of its resources.
An integrative psychotherapy that applies to a wide range of personal and relational difficulties, in the family, school or professional context and tailored to children, adolescents, adults and couples.
Resources in your Client Area and the availability of Internet consultations allow a maximum of flexibility to the consultations and follow-up.