Which problems ?
The balance of a couple relationship
is influenced by :
- individual factors (personality, values, ambitions, difficulties …);
- factors of interaction (communication, trust, solidarity, …);
- factors of environnement (work, living conditions, culture, …).
Before deciding to mate, it is wise to inquire about the impact of these various factors, if possible with the help of a professional, in order to be able to cope adequately in case of problem.
The harmony that prevails in the beginning of the relationship will be questionned regularly. If both partners are able to adapt to the changes, a new balance is established and the couple emerges strengthened from the crisis.
But, in some cases, blockings appear and it’s a deadlock. The spouses don’t understand each other anymore, they can’t control their reactions, they expect a change in the behavior of their partner but they see no effort in that direction. The balance of the relationship has become unstable because each partner realize that his/her own efforts of adaptation are conflicting with his/her personal psychological balance.

How ?
Support from a psychologist can help you take a step back, have a better perception of all the aspects of the problem, question yourself, consolidate or redefine your aspirations, retrieve the essential bearing points of the relationship.
Several theories and scientific research allow to better understand the operating mechanisms and the conditions that ensure a good balance of a couple relationship. ECOpsy© integrates these contributions through several techniques that mobilize seven dimensions of the behavior and give due attention to the associated environmental factors.
The first meetings allow to identify the main causes of your difficulties. We define together the kind of intervention (counselling, marriage preparation, couple therapy, mixed individual and couple therapy) and the objectives to be achieved (acceptation, consolidation, reconsiliation, separation …).
Various techniques allow each partner to allocate the necessary psychological resources to achieve the objectives in a progressive way. Individual consultations may take place and allow each one to progress at his/her own pace.