Office Consultations

Current preventive measures of viral contamination:  

  • Make sure you have no symptoms of covid, flu, rhinitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis before coming to the appointment.
  • Ring the doorbell ‘Consultations’ at the scheduled time. I you come early, please wait in your car or outside.
  • A mask, hands cleaning and physical distancing may be mandatory in some situations. Please check this page again as a precautionary measure before coming to the consultation.
  • The waiting room is accessible only for one parent if the patient is a child. A toilet is available.

Office: Rue Simonon, 32 – 7011 Mons (Ghlin)

Parking is not allowed in front of the office. Parking places are always available in “Rue de Tournai” and “Rue de la Poste”, at a distance of about 50 meters.