Which problems ?
- Lack of self-confidence, shyness, difficulties of communication, lying.
- Anxiety, nervousness, fears, problems of sleep.
- Withdrawal, sadness, gloominess, pessimism.
- Trouble with concentration or memory, distraction, ADHD.
- Learning disabilities, methods of work.
- Behavioral disorders, agressivity, ODD.
- Impulsivity, emotiveness, hyperactivity.
- Problems of relationshim in the family or at school.
- Parental guidance and counseling.
- Addictions : video games, Internet, sugar, cigarette, alcool, cannabis.
- Disappointment in love, sexual issues.
- Eating disorders, bulimia, anorexia.
- Vocational orientation.

How ?
We identify the problems during the first meetings with the parents and the child or the adolescent, as well as by the use of various methods of psychometric or neuropsychological investigation adapted to his/her age.
On the basis of a contextual analysis, we identify the psychological mechanisms that maintain the problems. We consider alternative behaviors in accordance with the expectations of the child or adolescent and the expectations of his parents.
Finally, we implement the activities that will allow to solve the problems progressively. For instance:
management of anxiety and impulsivity using controlled breathing and relaxation; cognitive restructuring with pictorial media; computer assisted training of attention, memory and impulsivity; training of executive functions using computer simulation, biofeedback, neurofeedback, virtual reality (adolescents only), etc.
In parallel, the parents are given the appropriate support to help the child or the adolescent progress in his/her every day life. If needed, cooperation is established with the various persons who can contribute to the solution of the problems: parents-in-law, family doctor, pediatrician, teacher, school counselor, etc.