Which problems ?
- Lack of assertivity, lack of self-confidence, pathological lying.
- Problems at work, conflicts, bullying, harassment, burnout.
- Anxiety, nervousness, sleep disorders, obsessions, phobia, body image.
- Mental discomfort, dark thoughts, depression, difficult grieving, loneliness.
- Bad breakup, sexual concern or dysfunction.
- Addictions: alcool, nicotine, cannabis, gaming, Internet, sex.
- Eating disorders, endless diets, bulimia, anorexia.
- Headaches and other psychosomatic pains.
- Hyperacousia, tinnitus, misophonia.
- Attention deficit disorder, memory disorder, impulsivity, emotional control.

How ?
The first interviews allow you to express your difficulties and your emotions, take some distance from the situation, identify the problems and specify your expectations.
The analysis of your behavior in difficult situations of your daily life allow to identify the psychological mechanisms that prevent you from solving those problems. If necessary, that analysis is refined with psychometric or neuropsychological testing.
On that basis, we translate your expectations into more precise objectives and we set the planning and the practical modalities of the treatment. That treatment consists of a series of activities that will allow you to implement alternative behaviors which are better adapted to the situations.
Beside a selection of conventional psychotherapeutical techniques (behavioral therapy, cognitive restructuring, management of emotions,
stress management, hypnosis, …), innovative techniques facilitate the acquisition of those behaviors: in-context multidimensional analysis, biofeedback, neurofeedback, computer simulation, virtual reality …
Of course, these modern technologies are only tools for a better effectiveness. Human relationship, in all its complexity, remains at the centre of all the interventions. The success of a psychotherapy strongly depends on the quality of the relationship between the therapist and his/her client. Trust, mutual respect and a sound personal investment are essential from either side.
The work that has been done is subject to an ongoing evaluation, through subjective assessment and psychometric measurements. Specific activities of consolidation of the alternative behaviors are realized until reaching the objectives.